
The Erasmus Plus Programme offers Ó Fiaich Institute students the opportunity to apply to work abroad as part of their chosen PLC course. Placements will be arranged with employers in the host country with support from Ó Fiaich Institute. You can experience living in another culture, enjoy travelling, improve language skills, gain a Europass Qualification, add this experience to your CV and get that valuable job. 

Placements normally take place during the academic year September-May. If your application to work aboard is successful, you will qualify for a grant towards the cost of the mobility programme including travel, accommodation and living expenses. 

Research has shown that a period spent abroad no matter how short, helps to open our minds to other cultural experiences. 

The Ó Fiaich Institute Erasmus + will offer you:

The programme has been shown to drive innovation and social inclusion in education:

How is your Erasmus+ exchange funded?

Under the Erasmus+ programme, students from Ó Fiaich Institute will have the opportunity to spend two weeks on work placement with a European partner organisation as part of their course.

Erasmus students receive a maintenance grant, which is provided by the European Commission. The aim of the grant is to assist students with travel and the cost of living abroad. The amount varies from year to year depending on how many students are participating in the programme. The grant is not means-tested and does not affect students’ entitlements to other grants, such as SUSI, Back to Education, etc.

OFI are very proud to offer the Eramsus+ Programme. The Erasmus+ Programme offers our learners the opportunity to experience working abroad as part of their chosen PLCcourse. This programme gives our learners the chance to experience new horizons, develop transferable life skills and enhance self-esteem and confidence. 

There are myriad benefits to our Erasmus+ Programme:

Work Experience

Learners get the opportunity to experience working in a different country. While on Erasmus, learners gain work experience
from Monday to Friday. Placements our learners have experienced include working in hospitals, veterinary services, science and research
laboratories, hairdressing, human resources among many more. This leads to an improvement in language skills, team- working skills and
increased employment opportunities on arrival home!

Cultural Experiences

It’s not all work! Erasmus+ also ensures that learners have full exposure to many social and cultural
outings. Erasmus+ participants can look forward to flamenco exhibitions, boat trips, day trips to local historical cities among
other outings!

Independent Living

Erasmus+ can be the first chance OFI learners have to experience living, cooking, and cleaning for themselves.
Overall, this leads to a growth in confidence, self-reliance, and independence. Placements take place usually in springtime
in your academic year. Successful applicants qualify for a grant towards the cost of travel, accommodation and living expenses.

“Erasmus was a fantastic experience, for me. I learned so much about Spanish culture, living independently and navigating a new city. My work experience was a great opportunity to see my future job in practice and work with amazing mentors. Most importantly I made a lot of incredible friends along the way, our group really took care of each other.”

 Laura Black
QQI Level 5 Occupational Therapy Assistant and Erasmus+ participant

Erasmus+ Students Graduation 2024