Furniture Design & Making – NEW 2024

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Course Content

  • Furniture Making
  • Design Skills
  • Drawing
  • Computer Aided
  • Draughting
  • Veneering and Marquetry
  • Wood Fabrication
  • Wood Finishing
  • Wood Turning
  • Maths

Course Description

This one year programme is designed for those who are interested in working with natural materials and explore designing their own small scale wood based projects. Potential students who have a desire and flair to be creative, thrive in this area. Students will first explore a range of hand tools that vary across the furniture industry, then progress from there with other methods. There are lots opportunities in this course to develop further in forging a career within the furniture and wood employment sector or alternatively, progress onto further and higher education studies.


Career Opportunities

Graduates may progress to apprenticeship programmes in various disciplines including:

Furniture Maker | Building Construction | Wood Manufacturing & Finishing |  Carpentry | Joinery


“Woodworking matters. It’s more than a pastime or hobby being a woodworker means that you know the satisfaction and pride that comes from using your hands and mind to build beautiful, functional objects. Woodworking gives us a place where we can slow down, pay attention, and take the time to do things right.” –
Aime Ontario Fraser

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Progression to degrees

TU Dublin| TU838 BSc (Hons) Sustainable Timber Technology | Level 8
ATU Sligo | AU837 Advanced Wood and Sustainable Building Technology
ATU Connemara | AU682 Furniture Making and Architectural Woodworking
ATU Connemara | AU683 Furniture Design Making and Technology
ATU Connemara | AU681 Furniture Design and Manufacture | Level 7
ATU Connemara | AU583 Furniture Design, Making and Technology

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Fees For The Academic Year 2024 – 2025

All courses have a Registration Fee of €30 (non-refundable).

A non-refundable Registration fee of €30 will be payable on acceptance of a PLC place. Essential course materials may be required for some courses the cost of which will be borne by the student.

All fees are subject to change. All fees must be paid with a Credit/Debit card online. No cash is acceptable.

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Ellen 2021