This specialised certificate is designed to assist the learner with gaining direct employment to administrative roles within the public and private sectors, including roles in medical, dental and legal practices. This certificate can also be used to gain entry to degree programmes.
Employment opportunities open to graduates include:
Dental Practices | Medical Practices | Legal Practices | Personal Assistant Roles | Accounts and Payroll Departments | Property Management | Banking and Insurance Practices |Pharmacies
Administrative Officers earn an average of €31k per annum
Graduates can progress to a variety of degree programmes including:
UCD | Humanities | Level 8
Maynooth University | Finance | Level 8
TU Dublin | Law and Business | Level 8
NUI Galway | Commerce | Level 8
TUS Athlone | Business and Law | Level 8
UCC |Criminology | Level 8
DkIT |BA in Hospitality Management | Level 7
All courses have a Registration Fee of €30 (non-refundable).
A non-refundable Registration fee of €30 will be payable on acceptance of a PLC place. Essential course materials may be required for some courses the cost of which will be borne by the student.
All fees are subject to change. All fees must be paid with a Credit/Debit card online. No cash is acceptable.